
September 12th, 2014

Ratification of the protocols of the STOC-EPS survey in French Guiana

The Life+ Cap DOM project to set up a STOC-EPS point-count study in French Guiana incorporates…
September 12th, 2014

Fourth and final ratification workshop concerned with the savannas

Since March 2014, GEPOG has been participating in a collaborative undertaking involving the…
3 septembre 2014

The French Guiana Amazonian Park joins the STOC-EPS survey

Since the end of 2012, the STOC-EPS Guyane network has steadily built up. As far as manpower is…

French Guiana

For the Bearded tachuri ...

The dry savannas of French Guiana are home to a specific suite of birds, including the Bearded tachuri, whose presence contributed to the classification of the site of Trou Poissons as an Important Bird Area.


The Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock

This bird, with its astonishing, gorgeous plumage, is confined to the Guianan Shield region, where it is endemic.


Tracking the Agami heron

You can monitor the movements of the Agami herons equipped with Argos transmitters.

