
September 6th, 2011

The Cock-of-the-rock needs you!

As part of the European "Life+ Cap DOM" programme GEPOG is co-ordinating a study of the Guianan…
August 31st, 2011

Follow-up report on the Cock-of-the-rock project

The telemetric tracking of the first male bird was interrupted at the beginning of July after a…
August 4th, 2011

The savannah project: making progress!

The savannahs of French Guiana suffer from a lack of interest from research and management…


The White-breasted thrasher

There are two distinct taxa of White-breasted thrasher Ramphocinclus bra¬chyurus : the sub-species R.b. brachyurus inhabits Martinique where it is limited to a small area covering approximately 5 km² located on the Caravelle peninsula, and the sub-species R.b. sanctaeluciae, which inhabits the north-east coast of Saint Lucia.

