
May 12th, 2015

[Video] Reunion Island seminar : actions and video

From 25 to 27 September, was held in La Réunion, the first seminar LIFE + CAP DOM on "Regulation…
April 20th, 2015

A network of sites needing protection in French Guiana and La Réunion

Unlike the situation in the rest of Europe, the Directives concerning Birds and Habitats, and…
April 20th, 2015

Extending STOC overseas

The 'Suivi temporel des Oiseaux communs' (STOC), a point-count survey technique, was not…


The White-breasted thrasher

There are two distinct taxa of White-breasted thrasher Ramphocinclus bra¬chyurus : the sub-species R.b. brachyurus inhabits Martinique where it is limited to a small area covering approximately 5 km² located on the Caravelle peninsula, and the sub-species R.b. sanctaeluciae, which inhabits the north-east coast of Saint Lucia.

