
March 15th, 2011

Action Papangue: the beginning of a territory-wide dialogue on Réunion Island

The objective is to find ways of controlling the numbers of rodents on agricultural land and in…
February 17th, 2011

[Video] GEPOG, a French Guianese association

GEPOG is the Group for the Study and Protection of the Birds of French Guiana. Nyls de…
January 13th, 2011

[Video] Watching the papangue

The Réunion Harrier, locally called the Papangue, is the only raptor on Réunion Island. Endemic…

A network of sites needing protection in French Guiana and La Réunion

Unlike the situation in the rest of Europe, the Directives concerning Birds and Habitats, and the Natura/Habitats 2000 network of protected areas do not apply in overseas territories. To compensate for this, the Life+ Cap DOM programme has identified a series of important bird areas in La Réunion and French Guiana, with the aim of proposing some alternative ideas for their protection.

[Vidéo] Un réseau de sites à protéger en Guyane et à La Réunion

Keywords : French Guiana, Réunion, Video
