
May 15th, 2012

Three Agami Herons equipped with Argos transmitters!

Between 21st and 23rd of April 2012, a team of six people left by helicopter to the floating…
May 2nd, 2012

New technology for the White-breasted Thrasher, a conclusive test

The first action of the programme looked to try to use new technologies to test the methods of…
April 19th, 2012

Life+ Cap DOM evaluated by the European Commission on Réunion Island!

At the end of March, SEOR and the Réunion National Park welcomed two representatives of the…

An appeal for funds for the birds of the overseas territories

Bandeau Biodiversité d'outre-mer en danger

For the first time in its history, the LPO and its partners locally are launching an appeal to raise funds for a conservation programme for birds in the overseas territories, which will be passed on to Life+ Cap DOM.

In supporting the campaign The “overseas” environment is ours too!, you are contributing to a programme of concrete actions for the protection of biodiversity being carried out on Réunion Island, on Martinique and in French Guiana!

Overseas biodiversity is in danger. You too can help to save it !
