
January 6th, 2014

Life+ Savannahs on Guyaweb

In French Guiana, is a local website carrying news, adverts and up-coming events.…
January 2nd, 2014

The European Commission make a two-day visit to Martinique

Following their visit to French Guiana, Angelo Salsi, Head of the Life+ Unit at the European…
December 19th, 2013

The European Commission visits French Guiana for the Life+ Cap DOM programme

From the 2nd to the 5th of December, GEPOG, as coordinator of the Life+ Cap DOM programme in…

Children from Bellevue visit the savannas

On March 18th, the designer in charge of the savannas discovery trail, the project leader from GEPOG and a guide from the SEPANGUY association outlined the concept of the discovery trail during an out-of-school meeting in the village of Bellevue.

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The sixteen children were thus able to understand the work of the designer, and put themselves in the position of visitors to the savannas, and to make a start on understanding the idea of the game (the final version of the trail actually has a part aimed at children in the form of a game).

Anna Stier
Project Leader, Life+ Cap DOM

Keywords : French Guiana, French Guiana savannas, Bearded tachuri
