
September 18th, 2015

The completion of the Life+ Cap DOM programme!

After five years of work, the Life+ Cap DOM programme, supported by the European Commission and…
August 31st, 2015

[Video] The STOC in French Guiana

Since 2012, GEPOG has been running a STOC (point count) survey in French Guiana, along with the…
August 25th, 2015

[Video] SEOR: a look back over the five years of the programme

A few weeks before the end of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, François-Xavier Couzi, Director of…

Do you know about Kaw mountain in French Guiana?

An exceptional site for studying the Guianan Cock-of-the-rock

Bernard Perrin, a representative of the ONF (national forest office) particularly concerned with heritage issues, introduces us to the Kaw mountain area and the challenges it presents, whilst Marc Théry, a researcher with the CNRS (national research institute), outlines the telemetric studies being carried out there. Thanks to the new results collected, teams from GEPOG are better able to understand the behaviour of the Cock-of-the-rock and how it uses the areas where it lives, and thus put in place protection measures for the species which are compatible with the other, socio-economic, activities in the area.

Connaissez-vous la montagne de Kaw en Guyane ?
Un site d’étude exceptionnel pour le coq de roche orange !
Bernard Perrin, agent patrimonial à l’ONF, nous présente le massif de la montagne de Kaw et ses enjeux tandis que Marc Théry, chercheur au CNRS, nous explique l’intérêt des suivis télémétriques mis en place sur ce site : en effet grâce aux données inédites collectées, les équipes du GEPOG peuvent mieux comprendre le comportement du coq de roche, l’utilisation de son espace naturel et ainsi mettre en œuvre des mesures de protection de l’espèce tout respectant les activités socio-économiques.
Plus d’informations :

Keywords : French Guiana, Kaw Mountain, Kaw Marshes, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Video
