
June 27th, 2011

Follow the Cock-of-the-rock!

After four days of effort, the GEPOG team managed to capture a male Guianan Cock-of-the-rock on…
June 17th, 2011

[Video] The Réunion Harrier, the only raptor on the island

The Papangue or Réunion Harrier is the last remaining breeding raptor on Réunion. It is under…
June 1st, 2011

An appeal for funds for the birds of the overseas territories

For the first time in its history, the LPO and its partners locally are launching an appeal to…

Extending STOC overseas

The ’Suivi temporel des Oiseaux communs’ (STOC), a point-count survey technique, was not employed in the overseas territories before the launch of the Life+ Cap DOM programme. Used as a structural indicator by the European Union, the technique has proved its worth, and is seriously lacking in those territories where biodiversity is particularly threatened. Under Life+ Cap DOM, the STOC protocols have been adapted to fit the special ecological requirements of the overseas territories, and the launch of these surveys has raised a growing interest among the volunteers and professionals involved in conservation in La Réunion, Martinique and French Guiana.

le STOC outre-mer

Keywords : French Guiana, Réunion, Martinique, Video
