
July 29th, 2015

Latest fieldwork missions concerning Acacia mangium

Between April and June 2015 the most recent fieldwork studies concerning Acacia mangium took…
July 24th, 2015

Taking stock of STOC on La Réunion

In 2014, for the second year running, STOC (point-count) surveys took place across La Réunion.…
July 15th, 2015

[Video] The savannas in images

To increase knowledge of the dry savannas of French Guiana and to enhance this special area is…

Follow the Cock-of-the-rock!

To ensure the protection of the Guinean Cock-of-the-rock, a species emblematic of the Guianan plateau, teams from GEPOG continue to work to improve their knowledge of this bird.

As part of this programme, putting a transmitter on the birds is one technique used to understand better the birds’ movements and their choice of preferred habitat.

Thanks to the Life+ Cap DOM programme, teams have been able to organise sessions on the Montagne de Kaw, where birds have been captured and equipped with transmitters.

Here are some images about what is an ambitious adventure, both for the species and for the association, accompanied on this occasion by representatives from the CNRS.

Suivez le Coq !
Pour garantir la protection du Coq de roche orange, espèce emblématique du plateau des Guyanes, les équipes du GEPOG ne cessent d’enrichir leur connaissance sur cet oiseau. Pour y parvenir, la pose d’émetteur sur des individus est une...

Keywords : French Guiana, Kaw Mountain, The Petites Montagnes Tortues, Atachi-Bakka Mountains, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Video
