
March 22nd, 2011

Overseas territories save endangered biodiversity!

Five years to try to stop the decline in overseas biodiversity, such is the objective of the…
March 21st, 2011

SEOR: two more Papangues poisoned

PRESS COMMUNIQUE from SEOR Saint André, the 17th March 2011 Two male Papangues (Réunion…
March 21st, 2011

Action Cock-of-the-rock: the formation of a committee for observation and action in the field

The setting up of a joint action plan for the Guianan Cock-of-the-rock began with bilateral…

Following the Guinean Cock-of-the-rock on the mountain of Kaw

After having placed transmitters on several Cock-of-the-rocks, a team from GEPOG takes us into the Kaw mountain for a day’s tracking, looking for this bird which is of heritage status.

Suivi du coq en Montagne de Kaw
Après avoir posé des émetteurs sur les coqs de roche orange, l’équipe du GEPOG nous emmène dans la montagne de Kaw pour une journée de suivi, à la recherche de l’oiseau patrimonial. Le site internet du programme : http://www...

Keywords : French Guiana, Kaw Mountain, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Video
