
February 2nd, 2015

Some BTS GPN students review the status of acacia mangium

Some BTS GPN students review the status of acacia mangium As part of the Life+ Cap DOM…
January 7th, 2015

STOC surveys on La Réunion

Since 2011, teams from SEOR and Reunion National Park, accompanied by the LPO and MNHN, have…
November 26th, 2014

Seminar: ’Overseas natural heritage’

From 27th to 29th October, the seminar 'Overseas natural heritage', organised by GEPOG, took…

Following the Guinean Cock-of-the-rock on the mountain of Kaw

After having placed transmitters on several Cock-of-the-rocks, a team from GEPOG takes us into the Kaw mountain for a day’s tracking, looking for this bird which is of heritage status.

Suivi du coq en Montagne de Kaw
Après avoir posé des émetteurs sur les coqs de roche orange, l’équipe du GEPOG nous emmène dans la montagne de Kaw pour une journée de suivi, à la recherche de l’oiseau patrimonial. Le site internet du programme : http://www...

Keywords : French Guiana, Kaw Mountain, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Video
