
October 23rd, 2013

Uprooting the Acacias mangium at the Maison de la Nature at Sinnamary

The Maison de la Nature at Sinnamary, owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral and situated on…
September 19th, 2013

Life+ Cap DOM seminar on La Réunion: "Large-scale control of rats"

From 25th to 27th September, the National Park of La Réunion, in collaboration with SEOR, is…
September 17th, 2013

The CNES and the Agami Heron

The Centre national d’Études Spatiales (CNES) has published an article in its Minimag on the…

Fourth and final ratification workshop concerned with the savannas

Since March 2014, GEPOG has been participating in a collaborative undertaking involving the members of the steering committee for the ’savannas’ project and the inhabitants of the communes of Sinnamary and Iracoubo.

On September 10th, the last of these workshops took place in the Amerindian village of Bellevue in the commune of Iracoubo. The participants were able to exchange and modify the final proposed actions which will soon be undertaken in the municipalities concerned.

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Thanks to all concerned ; more news to follow!

Anna Stier
Project Leader, Life+ Cap DOM
GEPOG Association

Keywords : French Guiana, French Guiana savannas, Bearded tachuri
