
May 7th, 2014

Meet the ’SOS Papangue’ team on La Réunion

The Réunion Harrier, or 'Papangue' in Creole, is the only endemic raptor that breeds on the…
March 24th, 2014

The savannahs as seen by the humanities and social sciences

The online humanities and social science review «», a place where the many…
March 21st, 2014

Workshops to plan how the savannahs can be enhanced

On March 19th, GEPOG hosted the first of a series of workshops whose aim is to prepare a plan…

Life+ Cap DOM against Acacia mangium in the commune of Montsinéry

To follow on from the sections of land where techniques have been put in place to try to control the invasive plant Acacia mangium in Saint-Laurent du Maroni and Sinnamary, a new and final section has been designated in Montsinéry.

Following a stock-take made on March 27th by the two project leaders of GEPOG, a group of volunteers set to on a session of uprooting young trees on July 8th, with enthusiasm and good humour, despite the pouring rain! The company ’Elaguyane’ took over a few days later to saw down the larger trees, and thus this section is now also cleared of its acacias!

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Monitoring over the next year will enable us to discover the speed of regrowth and to plan the next stages, in comparison with those sections more to the west of the Departement.

Anna Stier
Chargée de mission LIFE+ Cap DOM
GEPOG Association

Keywords : French Guiana, French Guiana savannas, Bearded tachuri
