
July 29th, 2015

Latest fieldwork missions concerning Acacia mangium

Between April and June 2015 the most recent fieldwork studies concerning Acacia mangium took…
July 24th, 2015

Taking stock of STOC on La Réunion

In 2014, for the second year running, STOC (point-count) surveys took place across La Réunion.…
July 15th, 2015

[Video] The savannas in images

To increase knowledge of the dry savannas of French Guiana and to enhance this special area is…

[Video] Priorities for avifauna

Priorités pour l’avifaune
Sophie Maillé, Chargée de mission au GEPOG revient sur les oiseaux prioritaires de l’association. Des espèces patrimoniales comme le Coq de roche orange, le Tyranneau barbu et plus généralement des espèces d’importance mondiale comme les migrateurs et...

Sophie Maillé, GEPOG project leader, returns to the subject of the Association’s bird-priorities: birds of national importance like the Cock-of-the-rock, the Bearded Tachuri, and more generally birds of worldwide significance like migratory species and waders.

Keywords : French Guiana, Kaw Mountain, The Petites Montagnes Tortues, Kaw Marshes, Atachi-Bakka Mountains, Agami heron, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Video
