
March 25th, 2015

Sixth workshop on promoting the savannas

On March 24th, the working group on promoting the savannas met for a final workshop (number 6!)…
March 21st, 2015

Children from Bellevue visit the savannas

On March 18th, the designer in charge of the savannas discovery trail, the project leader from…
February 25th, 2015

The 5th workshop aimed at promoting the savannas

On February 12th, participants in the workshops that are constructing a plan to enhance the…

Save the Réunion Harrier: a worldwide task

Sauver le papangue : un enjeu mondial !
Valérie Grondin est Chargée de mission sur le papangue (Busard de Maillard)à la SEOR. Dans le cadre du Life+ CAP DOM, elle travaille sur les menacesd’origines anthropiques qui pèsent sur cette espèce. Braconnage, impactindirect des...

Valérie Grondin is the leader of SEOR’s Réunion Harrier project. As part of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, she works on the threats which are weighing upon this species and which originate with man.

Poaching, the indirect effects of the use of rat-poisons, and the presence of low-level electrical power lines into which it flies are the main causes of the decline of the species. What can be done? Agree preventative measures with the farming community, the electricity companies and those responsible for environmental protection. Valérie also wants to set up volunteer patrols to report on the population status of this Réunion raptor, and perhaps also to try out a system of rapid response whenever injured birds are found.

For Valérie, who has devoted years to this bird “saving the Réunion Harrier is a worldwide task”.

Keywords : Réunion, Roche-Ecrite Nature Reserve, Buffer zone of the National Park, Réunion Harrier, Video
