
August 29th, 2014

The development of a STOC-EPS survey in French Guiana

As in Martinique and La Réunion, a STOC-EPS (point-count survey) scheme is being set up in…
August 21st, 2014

A school year inspired by herons

From November 2013 to June 2014, pupils from three classes in the éco-école Augustine-Duchange of…
August 21st, 2014

The third workshop on the development of the savannas

On July 16th last, all the participants in the workshops concerned with setting up a…

[Video] The Réunion Harrier, the only raptor on the island

Le Papangue, un rapace unique de la Réunion
Le Papangue ou Busard de Maillard est le dernier rapace nicheur de La Réunion. Il est mondialement menacé. Valérie Grondin, Chargée de mission à la SEOR nous en dit plus, sur un des plus rares Busards au monde.

The Papangue or Réunion Harrier is the last remaining breeding raptor on Réunion. It is under threat world-wide. Valérie Grondin, the project leader for SEOR tells us more about one of the rarest harriers in the world.

Keywords : Réunion, Roche-Ecrite Nature Reserve, Réunion Harrier
