
August 6th, 2012

All eyes on the White-throated Thrashers’ nests

It’s during the middle of the White-throated Thrasher's breeding season that the action unfolds…
August 6th, 2012

[Video] A slice of life: a day in the field at Roche Écrite

As part of the team of Life+ Cap DOM working for the Réunion Cuckoo-shrike, experience a typical…
July 16th, 2012

[Video] Bourbon Island: sharing nature

Réunion Island, also known as Bourbon Island, was once covered in forests "From where the waves…

[Video] The Réunion Harrier, the only raptor on the island

Le Papangue, un rapace unique de la Réunion
Le Papangue ou Busard de Maillard est le dernier rapace nicheur de La Réunion. Il est mondialement menacé. Valérie Grondin, Chargée de mission à la SEOR nous en dit plus, sur un des plus rares Busards au monde.

The Papangue or Réunion Harrier is the last remaining breeding raptor on Réunion. It is under threat world-wide. Valérie Grondin, the project leader for SEOR tells us more about one of the rarest harriers in the world.

Keywords : Réunion, Roche-Ecrite Nature Reserve, Réunion Harrier
