
September 12th, 2014

Ratification of the protocols of the STOC-EPS survey in French Guiana

The Life+ Cap DOM project to set up a STOC-EPS point-count study in French Guiana incorporates…
September 12th, 2014

Fourth and final ratification workshop concerned with the savannas

Since March 2014, GEPOG has been participating in a collaborative undertaking involving the…
3 septembre 2014

The French Guiana Amazonian Park joins the STOC-EPS survey

Since the end of 2012, the STOC-EPS Guyane network has steadily built up. As far as manpower is…

[Video] Final summary: ’Tuit-tuit’

Five years after the first steps of the Life+ Cap DOM programme for the conservation of the Réunion Cuckoo-shrike, or ’Tuit-tuit’, Damien Fouillot, Project Leader at SEOR gives a summing-up of the programme. A look back at actions crowned with success, as the population of the cuckoo-shrike, estimated at less than 30 pairs in 2010, has today now reached over 40!

Bilan Tuit-tuit

Keywords : Réunion, Roche-Ecrite Nature Reserve, Réunion Cuckoo shrike, Video
