
October 22nd, 2014

[Video] How to recognise an Acacia mangium?

Anna Stier, Project Leader for Life+ Cap DOM with GEPOG, reviews the identification of Acacia…
October 22nd, 2014

[Video] A tool in the fight against Acacia mangium: cutting to ground level

Acacia mangium is an invasive tree, originating from Australia and introduced into French…
10 octobre 2014

Using eco-counters on the Guianan Cock-of-the-rock observation trail

Following the work carried out on the Cock-of-the-rock trail, several 'eco-counters' have been…

[Video] Point-count census (STOC) in Martinique

Point-count censusing (STOC, Suivi temporel des oiseaux communs) has been a particularly useful tool for tracking changes in bird populations in Europe. But, up to now, it has not been used in the French overseas territories. But as part of the Life+ Cap DOM scheme, it has now been adopted in French Guiana, La Réunion and Martinique. You can now watch Christelle Béranger getting the census underway in Martinique, and assessing the results of the week’s training course on how to recognise and track the common birds of the area.

Le STOC en Martinique
Le Suivi temporel des oiseaux communs (STOC) est un outil particulièrement utile pour rendre compte de l’évolution des oiseaux communs en Europe. Mais jusqu’à présent l’outre-mer français n’en bénéficiait pas. Dans le cadre du Life+ CAP DOM, cet outil...

Keywords : Martinique, Video
