
September 18th, 2015

The completion of the Life+ Cap DOM programme!

After five years of work, the Life+ Cap DOM programme, supported by the European Commission and…
August 31st, 2015

[Video] The STOC in French Guiana

Since 2012, GEPOG has been running a STOC (point count) survey in French Guiana, along with the…
August 25th, 2015

[Video] SEOR: a look back over the five years of the programme

A few weeks before the end of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, François-Xavier Couzi, Director of…

[Video] The launch of "Life" in pictures

More about the special "overseas" soiree at Ménigoute.

Inauguration du Life+ CapDOM
Le festival de Ménigoute fête l’inauguration du Life+ Cap DOM. Un projet de 5 ans financé par l’Union européenne pour enrayer la perte de la biodiversité en Guyane, en Martinique et à la Réunion.

The evening’s programme, presented by Philippe Huet (journalist), comprises: Contributions by the coordinators of Life+ Cap DOM and convivial aperitifs provided by the French Guiana Tourist Board and the Rum Society of Mauritius.

Keywords : Video
