
June 27th, 2011

Follow the Cock-of-the-rock!

After four days of effort, the GEPOG team managed to capture a male Guianan Cock-of-the-rock on…
June 17th, 2011

[Video] The Réunion Harrier, the only raptor on the island

The Papangue or Réunion Harrier is the last remaining breeding raptor on Réunion. It is under…
June 1st, 2011

An appeal for funds for the birds of the overseas territories

For the first time in its history, the LPO and its partners locally are launching an appeal to…

[Video] What do you know about GEPOG?

Sophie Maillé, a project leader at GEPOG, outlines the history of this association from its foundation in 1993 by a handful of ornithologists to the professional body that it is today. A founder member of ’Guyane Nature Environnement’, GEPOG’s work encompasses many areas of activity, from the study and monitoring of populations, through environmental education, to the management of natural habitats.

Connaissez-vous le GEPOG ?
Sophie Maillé, Chargée de Mission au GEPOG, retrace l’histoire de cette association, de sa création en 1993 par une poignée d’ornithologues à la structure professionnelle qu’elle est aujourd’hui. Membre fondateur de Guyane Nature Environnement, le GEPOG...

Keywords : French Guiana, Kaw Mountain, Kaw Marshes, Agami heron, Bearded tachuri, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Video
