
July 8th, 2013

[Video] Point-count census (STOC) in Martinique

Point-count censusing (STOC, Suivi temporel des oiseaux communs) has been a particularly useful…
July 8th, 2013

The pupils of the school of Roura, in French Guiana, on the track of the Agami Heron !

After having learnt about Agami Herons, thanks to a class given by Anna Stier, the GEPOG…
June 10th, 2013

Bird censusing on Martinique is in full swing

On Martinique, both professionals and volunteers are working together on point-count censusing…

Workshops to plan how the savannahs can be enhanced

On March 19th, GEPOG hosted the first of a series of workshops whose aim is to prepare a plan to enhance the sympathetic development of the savannahs in the communes of Sinnamary and Iracoubo.

Exemple d'affiche d'invitation des habitants de Sinnamary

These workshops will bring together the project’s steering committee but are equally open to any of the inhabitants of the two municipalities.

1er atelier participatif pour préfigurer un plan de valorisation des savanes, Maison de la Nature de Sinnamary, Mars 2014

The twelve participants at this first session spent three hours concentrating on the heritage and characteristics of the savannahs as well as on the objectives envisioned for their future enhancement.

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These meetings are organised specifically so that there is enough thinking and discussion time for everyone to express a view, argue their case and to consider how to combine all the ideas presented.

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The joint deliberations and the results of each session will provide a systematic base from which future workshops can move forward, the overall aim being to set up some effective management tools between now and the end of 2015.

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Anna Stier
Project Leader LIFE+ Cap DOM
Association GEPOG

Keywords : French Guiana, French Guiana savannas, Bearded tachuri
