
February 17th, 2012

The bird surveys have been completed!

Between October 2011 and January 2012, on three different occasions, four ornithologists of…
November 29th, 2011

The savannah project: its soils

Over the past two months, fieldwork has begun on the investigation of the soils in the…
November 17th, 2011

The Life+ Cap DOM at Ménigoute

This year Life+ Cap DOM was once again represented at Ménigoute ! On the programme for the 2011…

Estudiantes BTS GPN hacen inventario de acacias mangium

Dentro del LIFE + CAP DOM, el GEPOG colabora con el BTS GPN del liceo agrícola de Matiti con objeto de proteger las sabanas. Mathieu Delfault, profesor en el LEGTPA, vuelve sobre lo interesante de esta colaboración para los estudiantes.

Des étudiants BTS GPN inventorient les acacia mangium
Dans le cadre du LIFE+ CAP DOM, le GEPOG collaborent avec le BTS GPN du lycée agricole de Matiti afin de protéger les savanes. Mathieu Delfault, enseignant au LEGTPA, revient sur l’intérêt de cette collaboration pour les étudiants.
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