
September 18th, 2015

The completion of the Life+ Cap DOM programme!

After five years of work, the Life+ Cap DOM programme, supported by the European Commission and…
August 31st, 2015

[Video] The STOC in French Guiana

Since 2012, GEPOG has been running a STOC (point count) survey in French Guiana, along with the…
August 25th, 2015

[Video] SEOR: a look back over the five years of the programme

A few weeks before the end of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, François-Xavier Couzi, Director of…


3 November 2014

[Video] Understanding the predators of the White-breasted Thrasher to enhance its protection

Under the auspices of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, studies have been set up on Martinique to improve our understanding of the predators of the White-breasted Thrasher. The objective is to trap the predatory species to evaluate their population densities in one of the bird's nesting (…)

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24 October 2014

Seminar: "Overseas natural heritage" at Cayenne

This will take place from 27th to 29th October at the regional administrative offices in Cayenne. Organised by GEPOG, this seminar will take as its theme "Overseas natural heritage: Management, conservation, enhancement", with the aim of bringing together environmental professionals to share (…)

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22 October 2014

[Video] How to recognise an Acacia mangium?

Anna Stier, Project Leader for Life+ Cap DOM with GEPOG, reviews the identification of Acacia mangium, an invasive species which menaces the savannas of French Guiana.

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22 October 2014

[Video] A tool in the fight against Acacia mangium: cutting to ground level

Acacia mangium is an invasive tree, originating from Australia and introduced into French Guiana in the 1980s. In open areas, such as the dry savannas of French Guiana, it is a menace both for the native flora and the fauna. Since 2013, GEPOG, under the auspices of the Life+ Cap DOM programme (…)

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12 September 2014

Ratification of the protocols of the STOC-EPS survey in French Guiana

The Life+ Cap DOM project to set up a STOC-EPS point-count study in French Guiana incorporates a protocol ratification process after a trial period has been completed. This trial period ended in 2004, a year and a half after the first data were collected. Some 6000 records have been analysed by (…)

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12 September 2014

Fourth and final ratification workshop concerned with the savannas

Since March 2014, GEPOG has been participating in a collaborative undertaking involving the members of the steering committee for the 'savannas' project and the inhabitants of the communes of Sinnamary and Iracoubo. On September 10th, the last of these workshops took place in the Amerindian (…)

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29 August 2014

The development of a STOC-EPS survey in French Guiana

As in Martinique and La Réunion, a STOC-EPS (point-count survey) scheme is being set up in French Guiana as part of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, with financial support from DEAL Guyane and technical assistance from MNHN and the LPO, under the stewardship of GEPOG, the main coordinator of the (…)

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21 August 2014

A school year inspired by herons

From November 2013 to June 2014, pupils from three classes in the éco-école Augustine-Duchange of Roura have been undertaking a GEPOG association study programme. Since 2012 the association has fitted several Agami Herons (which breed annually on the Kaw marshes) with Argos satellite (…)

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21 August 2014

The third workshop on the development of the savannas

On July 16th last, all the participants in the workshops concerned with setting up a development plan for the savannas of Sinnamary and Iracoubo gathered at the multi-media library of Iracoubo. There followed a half-day of debate centred on the maps of the area, potential areas for development (…)

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21 August 2014

Life+ Cap DOM against Acacia mangium in the commune of Montsinéry

To follow on from the sections of land where techniques have been put in place to try to control the invasive plant Acacia mangium in Saint-Laurent du Maroni and Sinnamary, a new and final section has been designated in Montsinéry. Following a stock-take made on March 27th by the two project (…)

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