
September 18th, 2015

The completion of the Life+ Cap DOM programme!

After five years of work, the Life+ Cap DOM programme, supported by the European Commission and…
August 31st, 2015

[Video] The STOC in French Guiana

Since 2012, GEPOG has been running a STOC (point count) survey in French Guiana, along with the…
August 25th, 2015

[Video] SEOR: a look back over the five years of the programme

A few weeks before the end of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, François-Xavier Couzi, Director of…


8 July 2013

[Video] Point-count census (STOC) in Martinique

Point-count censusing (STOC, Suivi temporel des oiseaux communs) has been a particularly useful tool for tracking changes in bird populations in Europe. But, up to now, it has not been used in the French overseas territories. But as part of the Life+ Cap DOM scheme, it has now been adopted in (…)

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8 July 2013

The pupils of the school of Roura, in French Guiana, on the track of the Agami Heron !

After having learnt about Agami Herons, thanks to a class given by Anna Stier, the GEPOG Project Leader, the CP/CE1 pupils from the eco-school of Roura have given names to three of the five herons that were fitted with Argos transmitters in the Kawi marshes in April 2013. The two males are (…)

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10 June 2013

Bird censusing on Martinique is in full swing

On Martinique, both professionals and volunteers are working together on point-count censusing (suivi temporel des oiseaux communs, STOC) in the field. Training sessions aimed at the organisations involved took place at the start of the 2013 season. From 25th to 28th March, the member (…)

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5 June 2013

Life+ CAP DOM equip five Agami Herons with Argos transmitters

Launched by GEPOG in 2011, the "Heron project" of Life+ Cap DOM has the aim of studying the movements of eight Agami Herons with Argos transmitters fitted to them. Three birds were fitted with the transmitters in 2012, and one of them was tracked between April and November, notably during a (…)

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4 June 2013

Completion of the telemetric tracking project for the Guinean Cock-of-the-rock

In 2011, GEPOG initiated the attempts to capture Guinean Cocks-of-the-rocks in the Kaw Mountains and attach transmitters to them, under a Life+ CAP DOM programme. The objective was to estimate the area the birds used (their home range), differentiated by sex, both during and outside the period (…)

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4 June 2013

Two conferences on perceptions, practices and usages concerning the savannahs

On the 14th and 21st March, GEPOG organised two conferences reviewing the work of Marianne Palisse, an anthropologist at the Université Antilles-Guyane on the theme of perceptions, practices and usages concerning the savannahs. Organised at Iracoubo and Sinnamary, two communes both containing (…)

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4 June 2013

A meeting at the Natural History Museum of St. Denis on La Réunion

Last week, around twenty people participated at an exciting conference, hosted by Nicolas Laurent (Project Leader at SEOR), concerning the Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs (point-count survey) undertaken on La Réunion as part of the Life+ Cap DOM project. Two more conferences are being (…)

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4 June 2013

Encouraging results concerning the protection of the ’Tuit tuit’ on La Réunion

One of the objectives of Life+ Cap DOM is to safeguard the future of the 'Tuit tuit' (Réunion Cuckoo-shrike), a bird endemic to the island of La Réunion and classified as Critically Endangered (CR) by IUCN and Birdlife International (2008), the most important cause of its decline being (…)

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4 June 2013

An item on the ’savannahs’ project in ’France Guyane’

In mid 2012, GEPOG launched an anthropological study on the savannahs of French Guiana, directed by Marianne Palisse, lecturer at the Université Antilles-Guyane. More information is available in this article published in 'France Guyane' on 13 March 2013 : (…)

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4 June 2013

Follow the heron!

A reminder about an unique event: the fitting of three Agami Herons from the Marais de Kaw-Roura nature reserve (French Guiana) with Argos transmitters. Little is known about this bird, recently classified as 'Vulnerable' (IUCN's Red List) by BirdLife International. Since 2010, teams from (…)

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