
September 18th, 2015

The completion of the Life+ Cap DOM programme!

After five years of work, the Life+ Cap DOM programme, supported by the European Commission and…
August 31st, 2015

[Video] The STOC in French Guiana

Since 2012, GEPOG has been running a STOC (point count) survey in French Guiana, along with the…
August 25th, 2015

[Video] SEOR: a look back over the five years of the programme

A few weeks before the end of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, François-Xavier Couzi, Director of…


17 February 2012

The bird surveys have been completed!

Between October 2011 and January 2012, on three different occasions, four ornithologists of GEPOG visited each of the 90 sampling points in the French Guianan coastal savannahs. Arriving at 6 a.m., survey work begins on the ground between 6:30–9:00 am, covering as many points as possible. Over a (…)

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29 November 2011

The savannah project: its soils

Over the past two months, fieldwork has begun on the investigation of the soils in the "savannah" section of the LIFE + Cap DOM project. Equipped with an auger, a GPS, a wooden travelling-box and many litres of water, the GEPOG project manager visited all the chosen survey points to obtain soil (…)

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17 November 2011

The Life+ Cap DOM at Ménigoute

This year Life+ Cap DOM was once again represented at Ménigoute ! On the programme for the 2011 meeting were two lectures on Martinique, an exhibition "Birds of overseas, our shared nature" and a short film on the biodiversity of the overseas territories. Christelle Béranger, Project leader for (…)

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17 November 2011

The Cock-of-the-rock on France Ô!

Last Tuesday, France Ô featured the Guianan Cock-of-the-rock. In the programme "Explo" with Laurent Bignolas on France Ô, Olivier Chiabodo presented his documentary of 52’ on French Guiana, "the greatest forest in the world". Alizée Ricardou, project leader for the Life+ Cap DOM Cock-of-the-rock (…)

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9 November 2011

The Cock-of-the-rock project gathers speed

In September, a new male Guianan Cock-of-the-rock was captured, ringed, and followed by radio-tracking for 15 days, all under good conditions. Following this new individual has yielded additional information on this emblematic species as well as on the effectiveness of the instruments used and (…)

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2 November 2011

The fires at Maïdo

Since last October 25th, a fire has ravaged the coastal highlands of the west of Réunion Island, in the heart of the National Park. About 40 of the people who live in the areas of Roche Plate and Les Orangers have had to be evacuated. Their impact on the flora and fauna are particularly (…)

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13 October 2011

A new recruit to LIFE+ Cap DOM

orn in Grenoble, Christelle Beranger has always felt herself drawn to the Island of Flowers. Being of Martinique origins has enabled her to visit the island frequently, and this has awakened in her a desire to protect its natural luxuriance, its biodiversity. She selected her higher studies for (…)

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11 October 2011

Save the Réunion Harrier: a worldwide task

Valérie Grondin is the leader of SEOR’s Réunion Harrier project. As part of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, she works on the threats which are weighing upon this species and which originate with man. Poaching, the indirect effects of the use of rat-poisons, and the presence of low-level electrical (…)

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26 September 2011

Support the overseas territories!

You want to support biodiversity in the overseas territories ? Support our campaign "The overseas environment is ours too !" Since it was launched in June, 2011, our campaign "The overseas environment is ours too !" has received nearly 50,000 euros. These donations enable us to make really (…)

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21 September 2011

Savannah vegetation under the microscope

Since the beginning of August, the botanist undertaking this work for GEPOG, accompanied by a paid worker, has been combing the savannah along the shore to determine exactly which spots to choose for more detailed study, within the framework of its map of the area. Areas where there are houses (…)

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