
September 18th, 2015

The completion of the Life+ Cap DOM programme!

After five years of work, the Life+ Cap DOM programme, supported by the European Commission and…
August 31st, 2015

[Video] The STOC in French Guiana

Since 2012, GEPOG has been running a STOC (point count) survey in French Guiana, along with the…
August 25th, 2015

[Video] SEOR: a look back over the five years of the programme

A few weeks before the end of the Life+ Cap DOM programme, François-Xavier Couzi, Director of…


14 September 2011

The Agami Herons have a new landing strip

Under a blazing sun, two GEPOG volunteers went by helicopter on the morning of 1st September in the direction of the “Agami pond”, with backpacks full of wasp spray. On arrival, hundreds of wasp nests on the landing platform and the floating shelter were destroyed just in time for the arrival of (…)

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6 September 2011

The Cock-of-the-rock needs you!

As part of the European "Life+ Cap DOM" programme GEPOG is co-ordinating a study of the Guianan Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola rupicola). The Guianan Cock-of-the-rock is an endemic species of the French Guianan plateau and has been a protected species since 1986. Present only where mountainous (…)

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31 August 2011

Follow-up report on the Cock-of-the-rock project

The telemetric tracking of the first male bird was interrupted at the beginning of July after a full month when one of the receivers failed. A second male will have to be captured and followed throughout September and October once the receiver has been retrieved, repaired and returned to the (…)

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4 August 2011

The savannah project: making progress!

The savannahs of French Guiana suffer from a lack of interest from research and management organisations, their attention being more easily focused on the forests, the last large tropical primary forests on the planet. As a consequence, the savannahs, less than 2% of French Guiana’s territory, (…)

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2 August 2011

[Video] The Réunion Harrier, the bird of legends

Valérie Grondin, project leader for SEOR is a specialist on the Réunion Harrier. Going beyond its ornithological and scientific aspects, she reconsiders a legend widespread in Réunion Island, that of Anchaing and Héva.

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6 July 2011

[Video] Priorities for avifauna

Sophie Maillé, GEPOG project leader, returns to the subject of the Association’s bird-priorities: birds of national importance like the Cock-of-the-rock, the Bearded Tachuri, and more generally birds of worldwide significance like migratory species and (…)

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30 June 2011

[Video] The White-breasted Thrasher : to know it is to protect it

Harry Gros-Désormeaux, PhD in Information Technology and Mathematics and an AOMA volunteer discusses the White-breasted Thrasher, a bird that is under threat worldwide, and present only in the Lesser Antilles. On Martinique, the last population comprises no more than 200 (…)

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27 June 2011

Follow the Cock-of-the-rock!

After four days of effort, the GEPOG team managed to capture a male Guianan Cock-of-the-rock on the 13th June 2011. This is what happened. "The individual was caught in one of the nets set next to some painted wooden models in a lek. Using the method of M. Marc Théry (researcher with the CNRS) (…)

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17 June 2011

[Video] The Réunion Harrier, the only raptor on the island

The Papangue or Réunion Harrier is the last remaining breeding raptor on Réunion. It is under threat world-wide. Valérie Grondin, the project leader for SEOR tells us more about one of the rarest harriers in the world.

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1 June 2011

An appeal for funds for the birds of the overseas territories

For the first time in its history, the LPO and its partners locally are launching an appeal to raise funds for a conservation programme for birds in the overseas territories, which will be passed on to Life+ Cap DOM. In supporting the campaign The “overseas” environment is ours too!, you are (…)

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